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Many parents this question. People often believe that divorce is extremely harmful to children and stay together in an unhappy marriage otherwise as a result. This is not necessarily the best for children. My clients tell me all the time you were together and I think they should stay together for the good of their children. I tell them that children need married parents - need parents happy and healthy
There is no doubt thatbenefit of children living with two parents who have a good marriage. They feel safe. They learn what it means to make a good marriage and good relationship between adults takes shape. You do not have the complications and stress, which are involved in a divorce. Studies show that children prove to be raised in a two-person, loving and stable, fewer signs of depression, anxiety, and provocative behavior, and this in a better school.
However, there are two parts to the equation.Only with both parents is not enough - a good marriage is the most important part. Children are very intuitive - you can see if there are problems. Although no child wants their parents are divorced - the children are still fighting a bad relationship or unhappy parents when they are damaged by divorce. Children who grow up in a stressful environment and conflict are stressed, they behave more rebellious, and have more disciplinary problems. Studies have also shown that childrendo better than their parents' divorce than their parents to live together in a continuous state of conflict, instability and insecurity.
Divorce is stressful for everyone, especially children, and should be avoided whenever possible. However, a divorce in and of itself is not necessarily harmful. Fighting, discussing, where children are the focus of custody disputes, lack of communication and a lack of respect between the parents the detrimentalParties to a divorce. do children of divorced parents can be great if these things can be avoided. Children need to know and feel that each of their parents is a good person. If their parents undermine, humiliate or criticize the other parent in the mind of a child, doing the same thing - they are a part of a vast and their parents are gone. Even if you do not consciously think of doing this, they feel they internalize these actions and unconscious.
Parents are often caught in theirEmotions and not whether or not to set aside emotion for the sake of the children. This is true whether they remain in an unhappy marriage continues to receive, or if they divorced. For these people, the situation of children is harmful. But at least with a divorce, there is less distance and situations involving children up to these emotions. A pending divorce can certainly reinforce these feelings, but eventually the conflict will die if the divorceFinally, even if the anger can never be completely gone.
What if you ask, my marriage is not conflict or high stress? What about those situations where we just walked away, or no longer in love? Life is going on with you and you are neither happy nor unhappy? The answer to these situations, whether to stay together for the children is not so simple. Their marriage is not harmful for your children at this point and the children are confused andconfused with the divorce. Did you know that there are problems between you and your spouse. Most people would agree that in these cases, you should try to make it hard for as long as possible. Since there is no doubt that the best children in a two parent companies, long-term relationship, you should try them the benefit of this as long as possible.
However, I would stress that you get to the point where your unhappiness is clearly visible, you must re-evaluate that decision (seeabove). Even if you do not fight with your spouse, if you are very unhappy in marriage, may ultimately have the misfortune to negative consequences. You or your spouse could get together outside of marriage through an affair. could develop you or your spouse's depression and other related issues. When such situations arise, it will eventually get angry and fight, the highest negative impact on your children.
Children need healthyhappy parents, role models so that they become happy and healthy adults. Children should be shown, which is not a friend of the main constituent is a good life. It should also be taught that if you have a problem, to tackle head-on and take the necessary steps to correct it. You should know that they take possession of their happiness, life sometimes messy and things do not always turn out the way you want. These are not necessarily bad teacherslearn.
The answer to the question "Got to get together for the good of children" is not easy. As a parent it is your responsibility to ensure that your children grow up as healthy as possible. However, just not necessarily be the answer. Depending on your situation, your children may actually be better if you get divorced.